Chelsea Dahlenburg – Naracoorte Highschool

Chelsea Dahlenburg teaches Agriculture 8 – 12 at Naracoorte Highschool and has worked in region for 10 years. Ms Dahlenburg is a 5th generation farmer, her family still runs sheep and grows grain in the Wimmera region of Victoria. She has attained a Bachelor of Arts majoring in physical education and environmental studies. Ms Dahlenburg says she wants the young people she teaches to leave the classroom feeling confident and competent to tackle a career in their chosen field.

Measuring and managing pasture

Students will learn about Pasture management in Australia using traditional methods and emerging technologies. They will learn basic terminology associated with pasture production. Students will then explore pasture measurement and evaluate a variety of technologies available, including Cibo Labs for producers to measure and monitor pasture available for their livestock.

Chelsea Dahlenburg teaches Agriculture 8 – 12 at Naracoorte Highschool and has worked in region for 10 years. Ms Dahlenburg is a 5th generation farmer, her family still runs sheep ...